Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Foto dari Penutupan Jakarta Media Center (25 Juli 2009)/Picture of Official Closure of Jakarta Media Center (25 July 2009)

25 July 2009

Jakarta Media Crisis Center, in operation since Friday last week (17 July 2009), that provides latest development on the investigation of JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels bombings for national and foreign media, is moved back to the office of Public Relations Department of the Indonesian Police today (25 July 2009). Located in Bellagio Mall, Kuningan, the Jakarta Media Crisis Center, is officially closed down.

Before closing Jakarta Media Crisis Center, Governor of Jakarta Special Capital Region (DKI Jakarta) Fauzi Bowo said, ”Hopefully, in the future, we do not have to open Media Crisis Center for bombing tragedy and we expect our city not being held hostage by terrorists. Now we must complete our own tasks, the police will work in the Indonesian Police headquarter, while DKI Jakarta staff do the work in the office of provincial administration.”

When Governor Fauzi Bowo opened Jakarta Media Center in cooperation with Indonesian Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri, he said, ”The purpose of the Media Crisis Center is to deal with information coming from the police and to prevent disinformation following the July 17 tragedy.” Governor also said that the Media Crisis Center is a place for all stakeholders including entrepreneurs and ministers to speak directly with local and foreign media.

”I can see at the media center, all Indonesians are united and talk with one voice, condemning the suicide bomber. Clerics in Jakarta, various religion leaders and the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Sri Mulyani, all of them agree that Indonesia refuses be held hostage and refuses to be frightened by these criminals,” said Governor.

Furthermore, Governor said,”I want to say to the journalists, i apologize for any shortcomings. We open the media center as fast as we can on 17 July after the bombing and full-heartedly fulfill your information needs. We note inadequacies and learn from them.”

25 Juli 2009

Jakarta Media Crisis Center yang dibuka pada Jumat 17 Juli lalu untuk menjadi pusat informasi bagi media Indonesia maupun asing menyangkut pengeboman di Hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz Carlton, pada hari Sabtu 25 Juli ini akan dipindahkan kembali ke kantor Humas Mabes Polri. Media Crisis Center di Mall Bellagio, Kuningan ditutup hari Sabtu (25 Juli 2009) sore.

Gubernur Fauzi Bowo ketika meninjau Media Crisis Center sebelum ditutup mengatakan “Semoga kita tidak perlu membuka Media Crisis Center untuk tragedi pemboman lagi, dan untuk kedepannya para teroris tidak berusaha menyandera kota Jakarta lagi. Sekarang kita kembali pada tugas masing-masing lagi, polisi kembali ke Mabes Polri dan staf DKI ke kantor DKI Jakarta”

Gubernur Fauzi Bowo yang berkoordinasi dengan Kapolri Bambang Hendarso Danuri dan membuka Jakarta Media Crisis Center ketika pemboman terjadi mengatakan ”Tujuan dari Media Crisis Center adalah untuk menangani informasi yang mengalir dari pihak kepolisian dan menghindari kesimpang siuran informasi yang beredar tentang tragedi 17 Juli tersebut.” Selain itu Gubernur Fauzi Bowo juga mengatakan kalau Media Crisis Center ini juga menjadi tempat bagi semua yang berkepentingan misalnya para pengusaha dan para menteri untuk berbicara langsung dengan media lokal dan asing.

”Saya melihat sendiri melalui media center ini bagaimana semua orang Indonesia bersatu dan berbicara dengan satu suara, mengecam para pelaku pemboman tersebut. Dari para Habib di Jakarta dan pimpinan agama lainnya sampai dengan Menteri Koordinasi Ekonomi, Sri Mulyani semuanya bersepakat kalau Indonesia tidak akan di sandera atau ditakuti oleh para pelaku kriminal ini,” tutur Gubernur Fauzi Bowo di Jakarta Media Crisis Center.

Gubernur meneruskan,”Kepada para kolega wartawan, seandainya dalam penyelenggaraan Jakarta Media Crisis Center ini ada kekurangan, saya mohon maaf. Kita membuka media center secepatnya tanggal 17 Juli ketika pengeboman terjadi dan berusaha sekuat mungkin untuk melayani kebutuhan informasi teman-teman pers. Bila ada kekurangan-kekurangan akan kami catat dan menjadikan masukan bagi kami.”

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Today (24 July 2009), Jakarta Special Capital Region (DKI Jakarta) Governor Fauzi Bowo welcomes the fact that rupiah rate strengthened the whole day. “Another evidence that Indonesia’s economic condition is not affected by terrorists’ action.” Yesterday (23 July 2009), rupiah rate, referring to middle exchange rate of Bank Indonesia, passed Rp 10,000 and it was closed at Rp 9,995 against U.S. dollar.

Governor also said, ”It is undeniably that tourism industry will be affected by the bombing, but it will be temporary. I am confident that time needed for recovery will be not as long as that needed after the JW Marriot bomb blast in 2003. Right now, not only I feel, but also I see that there has been resilience and determination to not let the terrorists dictating our life.”

This morning (24 July 2009), at the Jakarta Media Crisis Center, Chairwoman of Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association Yanti Sukamdani said,” Bomb blasts at JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels decreased hotel’s occupancy rate. The occupancy rate is decreased by 54%.” Nevertheless Yanti Sukamdani is certain it will be improved by the end of 2009.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies (ASITA) Ben Sukma explained the cancellation made by international tourists in several regions in Indonesia is about 5-30%. “In Jakarta, the cancellation reaches 30%” said Ben.

24 Juli 2009

Hari ini Gubernur Fauzi Bowo menyambut hangat berita terkini bahwa nilai tukar rupiah menguat dipasaran sepanjang hari, ”Ini satu lagi bukti nyata kalau ekonomi Indonesia tidak terpengaruh oleh aksi para terroris.” Nilai rupiah menurut kurs tengah Bank Indonesia kemarin menembus level Rp 10.000 per dollar AS dan ditutup pada Rp 9.995 per dollar AS.

Gubernur Fauzi Bowo mengatakan,”Memang industri pariwisata akan terpengaruh tetapi ini hanya sebentar. Saya yakin kalau waktunya tidak akan selama ketika pemulihan bom Marriott tahun 2003. Kali ini saya tidak hanya merasakan namun melihat juga bahwa ada semacam ketahanan diantara kita serta tekad bahwa pelaku teroris tidak boleh dibiarkan mengatur hidup kita”.

Pagi tadi di Jakarta Jakarta Media Crisis Center Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Yanti Sukamdani mengatakan, ”Ledakan bom di Hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton telah mengakibatkan tingkat hunian hotel turun. Penurunan tingkat hunian hotel mencapai 54 persen.” Meskipun demikian Yanti Sukamdani yakin bahwa pemulihan akan terjadi akhir tahun 2009.

Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perusahaan Perjalanan Wisata (Asita) Ben Sukma mengatakan, pembatalan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Indonesia berkisar antara 5-30 persen di beberapa daerah. "Untuk di Jakarta, angka pembatalan saja mencapai 20 hingga 30 persen," kata Ben.

Foto dari Konferensi Media (24 Juli 2009) / Picture of Media Conference (24 July 2009)

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

23 July 2009

Religious leaders are gathered today (23 July 2009) at the Media Crisis Center and they all declare Indonesia as a peaceful place and condemn the suicide bomb attack at the JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton hotels.

Previously, Governor of Jakarta Special Capital Region (DKI Jakarta) Fauzi Bowo said ”Jakarta belongs to the people of different religions and races. I am the Governor of Jakarta, the governor of everyone who lives in Jakarta, no exception.” When the bomb exploded on Friday (17 July 2009), the governor reiterated that there is no religion legitimizes act of terror.

Cleric and Head of Islamic Center Indonesia (ICI) Abdurrahhman Al-Habsy strongly condemns the suicide bomber. “My heart is broken, and I condemn those who conducted such an act on behalf of Islam. We are Indonesians; we are the owner of Indonesia.”

Meanwhile Jakarta Dzikir Council head KH Syaifuddin Amsir said, ”I long for tranquility and I condemn this monstrous and horrible act conducted in the name of Islam. Islam does not teach this kind of act.”

Secretary of Indonesian Churches Association (PGI) Reverend Richard Daulay, also condemned bomb blasts last Friday (17 July 2009). He said ”Our nation cries once again. We deplored this merciless and inhuman conduct which carried in the name of religion, despite the fact that no religion teaches this act.” Richard Daulay added,” I convey my deepest condolence to the victims, to my Dutch, Australian, and New Zealander friends. My deepest sympathy and I apologize for what happened.”

Buddhist monk Eka Wimsati Wirya who attended the media conference also condemned the bombing and said there is no religion teaches its followers to kill. “Indonesian Buddhists condemn the act of taking someone’s life,” he asserted. Eka said Indonesian Buddhist held a mass prayer for the nation that includes 500 Buddhist on Sunday (19 July 2009).

Cathedral Secretary who represents Bishop Council of Indonesia (KWI) Romo Padma also condemned the act of terror.

Religious leaders who attended press conference at Jakarta Media Center are:

1. Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) head KH Mundzir Tamam

2. Islamic Center Indonesia (ICI) head Habib Abdurrahhman Al-Habsy

3. Al Affaf Koran recital group leader Habib Ali Bin Abdurrahman Assegaf

4. Rasullulah SAW Council head Habib Mundzir Al Musawa

5. Jakarta Dzikir Council head KH Syaifuddin Amsir

6. Member of Advisory Board of Betawi Ulema Forum (Fuhub) KH Maulana Kamah Yusuf

7. Al Itqon Islamic Boarding School leader KH Mahfudz Asirun

8. Secretary General of Indonesian Churches Association (PGI) Reverend Richard Daulay

9. Representative of Indonesia Federation of Buddhist Organizations (Walubi) Biksu Eka Wimsati Wirya

10. Representative of Walubi Sapta Wirya

11. Cathedral Secretary representing Bishop Council of Indonesia (KWI) Romo Padma